
Attraverso questo blog vorrei aiutare chi si accosta allo studio o all’approfondimento della lingua inglese, recensendo siti dove potersi esercitare a vari livelli e in ambiti diversi, nonché inserendo materiale di mia produzione.

Servirà anche a me per mettere in ordine la miriade di indirizzi che ho nel tempo memorizzato tra i “segnalibri” e di cui mi sono spesso dimenticata il contenuto, e poter far tesoro di quanto trovato o prodotto nel mio lavoro quotidiano di insegnante.

Nella colonna di destra trovate le categorie nelle quali sono suddivisi i vari post, nonché dei link ad altri siti magari non strettamente di uso didattico ma utili per esercitare in altro modo la lingua inglese.

Qualsiasi consiglio sarà naturalmente ben accetto. I commenti sono liberi.

Through this new tool I would like to help all those that are studying English or just want to exercise it at various levels and in various areas of interest.

It will be useful for me too, in my daily work as a teacher; I will finally be able to give an order to and comment the many web-site addresses I have bookmarked and forgotten about, as well as to publish any worthy material that I have produced.

In the right-hand column you will find the categories into which the various posts are listed as well as other links that are not strictly didactic but can be useful for improving one’s English or simply for finding material.

Any comments or suggestions are welcome. Comments are free.

2 Commenti

  1. Dear Claudia, congratulations on your English language blog! I’m just about to have lunch with Fergal Kavanagh (the Roadshow man) before he does a teacher training seminar for LEND (www.lend.it) here in Bologna and came across your blog while surfing at the the university where I teach English (www.cilta.unibo.it). It’d be great if you were able to mention FunSongs, my didactic action song project which I run in my spare time. The FunSongs method is recognized in Italy by MIUR and INDIRE – they recently asked me to write a module for the teacher training website on combining music, movement and language for Primary school English teacher trainees. Have a look at http://www.funsongs.co.uk. We also do shows up and down Italy. You might also like to glance at http://www.crtlinguebergamo.it/
    I hope to hear from you soon.
    Best regards
    Charles Goodger

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